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People Think You’re Boring… Because They Don’t Know What Your Building

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Ever find yourself on the weekend, in the zone, working on a project, working on your business, working on your art, working on your creations… and friends, family, people you know, tell you that you’re boring (because you’re always working)?

I had this happen recently. A friend of mine, someone told her that she was boring because she was working all the time.

And I said, “People think you’re boring, because they don’t know what you’re building.” (she’s building some bad-ass stuff)

And more importantly here, is that, when people think you’re boring because you’re working, you’re in the flow, you’re in the zone, you’re creating life, you’re making what you want to happen, happen… you’re bringing your vision, your mission, your goals, and you’re pulling that into your present reality, and you’re pushing yourself into that direction, into that mergence.

And when you have people who think you’re boring because you’re working on creating your life, what that is, is that’s a misalignment of values. You’re around people who don’t understand you.

It’s good to be around people who are doing similar things. They don’t need to be doing the exact same thing, but what’s beneath the surface… that energy, that essence of why they’re creating, why they’re building, why they’re doing things in their life so that they can zoom, and move, and go onto the path that they want.

If people think you’re boring, there’s a misalignment of values. You’re around people who basically it’s like you’re on your path, and you don’t want to have to spend all your time, your energy, and your resources taking these things and exerting energy to move them out of the way so that you can just go where you want to go. Instead… there are other paths that can have a little bit more ease them.

Again, people that think you’re boring, they just don’t know what you’re building.

There’s two parts here. You need to own what you’re doing and be okay with people not understanding it, right. That’s part of the process. You’re going to have people who aren’t going to understand, they’re not going to be able to grasp why you’re so focused, why you’re in the zone… and why you don’t want to go out to the bar and drink a beer. That’s so stupid. Who cares about that when you’re fulfilling your vision, your mission, you’re making it happen, you’re creating that event, that project, that book, that website, that creation, whatever it be. You want to live and you want to rock life.

Going down to the bar and watching a football game… sure, I’m not saying don’t have any entertainment or relaxation, but man, life is just about so much more, and I think if you’re watching this, you get that, it clicks, you understand, it resonates… so rock it! Own it! Be with it!

Aright friends, hope this video finds you well. And remember, if people think you’re boring, they just don’t know what you’re building.

Keep up the hustle. Keep up the hard work. Always be working on yourself, improving, learning, growing, and overcoming your fears…. and rockin’ out your life!

Alright friends… until next time. Be well.

I'm a location-independent entrepreneur, passionate about life-long learning & personal development. Spiritual vantage point and a systems-thinker. Read more about me here: More details.

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