Miami, Florida // Taken in 2011
December 30th, 2013
From my desk in Miami, FL
It’s been a while since I’ve written on the blog. Mostly because I’ve been in a “quiet mode” the past few months. Feeling my desire to spend more time by myself, think more, reflect more, work harder, [practice] not caring about what others think of my actions, etc.
This post is to serve mostly as an update, but there will also be important details and links below…
And you can tell I needed to let out some creativity. A bunch of cool random photo collages are below.
New Website
You might be able to tell the site looks a bit different. I’m still working on it.
If you’re reading this in your inbox, click this link to see the site.
Deactivating Facebook
I deactivated my Facebook account back in November.
I was spending too much time “looking at others”, comparing myself and judging where I was. I know that deactivating Facebook doesn’t get at the root problem, but I wanted to also “turn off the noise” and go more within. Focus on myself, instead of focusing on others.
Being Quiet
I haven’t been making any videos or writing because I felt it was time to “shut up and build”, “shut up and work”, “shut up and just be” (without the need to talk about it).
The journey of having a blog, and being “digitally transparent” is quite an interesting one.
It’s important for me to feel the swing of the pendulum. When it’s time to write, I’ll write. When it’s time to “shut up and build”, I’ll do that.
I got back from Colombia (South America) about 2 weeks ago. I was down there for a month and I learned a ton. I had a number of incredible insights, epiphanies, awarenesses, etc (after a week of being REALLY CONFUSED).
I didn’t learn from reading, or seeing touristy bullshit, but from being around great people, having amazing conversations, stepping outside of my comfort zone, practicing Spanish, traveling, and being exposed to new and random stimuli.
Adventure Metrics Podcast
The podcast (which at one point was published on the blog) has moved to it’s new home.
My buddy Scott and discuss adding “adventure” to our lives. We do this via our interviews with amazing people doing amazing things.
Here is the link if you are interested in checking out our work → http://www.adventuremetrics.com/
If you’d like email updates when a new podcast comes out, you can subscribe here → http://www.adventuremetrics.com/subscribe/
Experience Being a Paid Coach
A great guy from Europe reached out to me a few months ago asking for coaching. We agreed on a price, and some rough terms and we Skyped once each week. After some realizations while in Colombia, I realized I need to focus my efforts & energy on building my company and that I wasn’t charging enough for my time/experience/insights/wisdom.
There was no other way for me to learn this though, but from the actual experience. I’m super grateful for the experience, and the relationship him and I created. It was very powerful.
This is very similar to a philosophy I struck up one day that I called “Sharpening & Swinging Your Sword”. I made a short video on it here → http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UufM-4EpB3c
I’m most excited that this guy has tapped into his “fire/desire”, and no matter what, in the back of my mind (and deep in my heart), I know that there is this guy out there, and he’s going to do some pretty EPIC SHIT with his life.
Raising My Rates.. Raising My Value
After a 5 minute conversation while down in Colombia, I spoke with a friend who was charging a lot more than I was doing similar web development activities for clients. That was all it took. Just in that 5 minutes, I realized STRONGLY that I was undervaluing myself. Over the next week, I upped by hourly rate by 62.5%.
While on the phone with potential clients, I owned my new rate. I owned my new value. It felt great! It’s great to already have a few new clients who are cooler and easier to work with. Sending larger and larger invoices… this is something I look forward to continually doing.
Does one raise their rate in order to raise their value? Or does one need to first raise their value before they can raise their rates? I think both have power. Experiment/experience for yourself.
Limiting Beliefs
I have limiting beliefs around making money and building substantial and sustainable wealth.
A number of powerful conversations with people have helped uncover a pattern my subconscious seems to have recognized.
I am aware of this. I am working on this. I don’t want this shit to hold me back.
India in April
Scott & I will be taking place in a charity “adventure race” in India this April.
We’ll be driving a rickshaw with a 7 horsepower motor (maximum speed of 34mph/55kph) across the entire country of India (Kochi to Shillong). Why? To push the limits, have fun, see India, and raise money for charity.
This 2-minute gives you a glimpse of what it will be like:
link → http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLOQQ7ge_0Q
Eating with Colors
People have made a number of positive comments on my cooking and food prep.
I’m very thankful for my body building days, for from those, I eat pretty clean, and I eat consistently. I prepare 3 meals each day about 95%+ of the time (minus during times of extensive/busy travel).
I pretty much never eat out. Why? Most of it’s garbage. I value my body.
Here are some photos of the meals I make:
Photo a Day
I’ve been taking a photo of myself everyday (to see how I age) since February 2012. I have about 665 photos right now and I’ve been doing it for so long, it’s almost impossible to forget.
I’m looking forward to having 10 years of photos. The transformation will look pretty cool.
I’ll make a stop motion video at some point soon. Maybe after I have 1,000 photos.
Making Sure I Go Outside
Sure it’s awesome I get to make up my own work schedule, and work from anywhere I want… however, I can easily get stuck at the desk for hours, and sure, I go to the kitchen and eat, and I use the bathroom, but sometimes there are days that go by where I don’t step outside.
I’m working on making sure I get out doors 4-5 times per week, if not every day.
I’ve been cycling down in Miami, and going to the park to work on calisthenics, muscle ups, pull ups, etc.
Turning off Comments
I’m experimenting with turning off comments on the site for a bit.
If you’re called to leave a comment, but frustrated that you can’t, please realize I need to be careful of my time and energy right now. Instead, forward this post off to a friend and tell them what you thought of it. Thanks :) I may turn the comments back on at some point… just not now.
Enough for Now
I’m sure there’s more I need to update everyone on, but I need to jump back to a few other things.
Enjoy your day!
Enjoy your week!
Enjoy your life!