Ray Lewis – A Powerful Mentor
Why is Ray Lewis a mentor to me?
What does he embody that’s so important?
What does he stand for in life that makes him so remarkable?
Most importantly…. this man’s got heart!
Straight up!
You can’t help but feel his raw authenticity in his voice.
In his facial expressions.
In everything this guy lives for.
His work ethic and drive are off the charts.
He rose up from a rough childhood. His father walked out on the family when he was little.
He said the only reason he started lifting weights when he was 15 years old was because he no longer wanted to see his mother with bruises on her face from the rough relationships she was in.
This man wakes up everyday and gives thanks for his life.
Success leaves clues and Ray Lewis is a man who leaves many for us. Listen to his words. Soak them up.
If you hear him talking about fitness, or you hear him talking about football, don’t be fooled.
This man is talking about LIFE.
He followed the clues left by those successful people before him.
He “grinds” everyday.
He’s willing to put in the hard work.
He’s willing to dig.
He’s willing to sacrifice.
It’s rare to find a man living and speaking so authentically.
When Ray Lewis talks, I listen.
I hope you enjoy the videos of Ray below, many of which brought me to tears.
Tears of gratitude.
Tears of… knowing deep down inside that his words are affecting me, inspiring me, encouraging me to step up and let my authentic self shine.
Don’t Even Drop Your Head When It Comes to a Loss
I Never Strap Up My Helmet to Go Lose
I Speak Life – These Moments Will Never Be Again
Worth Watching All 44 Minutes
Shout-out to Lester Spellman. A guy I lived with in Philadelphia in 2009. This guy gets it. This man is going places. This man puts in the work. Lester, I’m thankful that we were able to teach and inspire one another so much. Keep rockin’ my man! Always!
Ben Holt
November 29, 2012 at 12:48 pmGood Lord, Matt. I could only watch the first one because it put me into an emotional overload. But I’ll be back to watch the rest. Thanks, and I mean it, for sharing!
Matt Horwitz
November 29, 2012 at 1:03 pmI can understand that. I was in quite a state when I watched these 5 videos back to back!
Motivation & Inspiration are like bathing, or brushing our teeth… we need to do them at least daily.
When you come back, watch them in the order I posted… they build upon each other in a nice sequence.
Glad you like them man & keep rockin’ !!