That feeling inside

Sunday afternoon – 1:30pm.

The bank.

Making a deposit…

I park the car and walk towards the bank.  I open the heavy, thick glass double door and the heels of my shoes click on the tiled floors.

It’s dead silent.  I am the only customer.  There is one guy in customer service sitting to my right at his desk.

There are two female tellers.

I walk up to the one on the right, hand her my checks & cash, and then, I get that feeling inside…

Have you ever felt that feeling inside?  That fear/anxiety/excitement/ thing?  If you are really being called to do something and that feeling comes up and tries to stop you, now you know what to do!


I'm a location-independent entrepreneur, passionate about life-long learning & personal development. Spiritual vantage point and a systems-thinker. Read more about me here: More details.


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