The legendary samurai warrior

My father sent me a great email a few days ago titled “Samurai – Miyamoto Musashi Documentary”.

Inside was a link to a documentary about the Samurai and Miyamto Musashi – a loner swordsman known as one of the greatest to ever live.

Musashi left home at the age of 13 and set out on many journeys seeking battle after battle and honing is skills, hoping to become a Samurai.

Musashi was very wise, even as a teenage boy.  There are many lessons about life, discipline, and spirituality woven throughout the film.  I found the lessons in this film to be profound.

The movie runs about 1 hour and 20 minutes.

I hope you find it valuable…

I'm a location-independent entrepreneur, passionate about life-long learning & personal development. Spiritual vantage point and a systems-thinker. Read more about me here: More details.

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