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pursue your path in life

Pursue Your Path and Only Your Path

You need to live your life according to your internal, to your gut, to your heart, to your desire, your drives, your goals, your wishes, your ambitions, your path…

Not the path, the dogma, the advice, the what other people think you should be doing, how you should be living your life, what you should be learning, where you should be living, what you should be pursuing…

You have to dig deep within yourself. You have to dig deep internally and find out what drives you.

What’s calling you? Where are your pursuits?

And you need to do those, you need to go after those…

But when you do… you’re on the journey, you’re on the path of life.

So on your path you will experience beauty… as well as friction, and battles, and brick walls, and obstacles, and things that test you…

In order to help you grow… in order to help you become the person that you envision.

When you envision something great about yourself, something that you know you can become, you are called onto that path.

You are tested.

It is scary. There is fear, but at the same time there is desire…

That combination of fear and desire is extremely important, especially when that desire deep and it is calling.

You’re scared because you’re scared to grow.

You’re scare because you’re scared of the journey, the unknown.

But that’s life.

We have to progress on that path.

For those interested in growth, development, evolution and learning… and moving to those next phases of your life… that right now, deep down you feel they’re ahead of you… you know you can get there.

When that path calls you, it’s scary because you’re scared of the growth.

When you step onto your path that desire will ALWAYS be stronger than those obstacles, than those walls, those challenges, those things that you face that hold you back…

Those things that hold you back and make you depressed. Make you oversleep for 5 hours, binge eat, feel depressed, watch movies/TV, or Youtube binge…

Whatever it is, that desire is always bigger. It’s always there in the long run.

Pursue that path. That’s the path that you are meant to go on. You’re deepest desire is the most important.

Not anybody else’s in your life. Your mission is to fulfill YOUR mission… not somebody else’s mission.

Not your father, your mother, your grandmother, your grandfather, your spouse, your sister, your brother, your friend, your cousin, your whoever… it’s YOU. Your life is about you, not other people (keep this in context, please).

Pursue your passions. Pursue your mission. And stand strong when you have to go through those stormy waters.

That’s the fight. That’s the growth. That’s what makes you excited when you watch a movie about some motivational boxer, or some underdog, or some guy who “makes it”, right? Why? Why does that speak to you?

It’s because it’s in our core.

For those who want to grow, man, I don’t know any other way.

I hope this message finds you well. I hope you’re having a good day.

Keep at it, don’t quit. Keep moving forward. Talk to you soon.

Date recorded: 2015.06.09
Contrecoeur, Quebec

I'm a location-independent entrepreneur, passionate about life-long learning & personal development. Spiritual vantage point and a systems-thinker. Read more about me here: More details.


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